I should start reading for my exam. Why haven't I even started yet. I'm doing a lot of other necessary stuff, such as AES and gym so that's good. I promise my self that by monday I at least read one chapter. I don't even have that much work no so that's not even an excuse for not reading. You know what I mean. Right know I'm so exhausted from this days gym. Gosh, but I feel so good. Tomorrow back to work and girls night in. 


I love how much light I have in my flat. Obviousky because of the white interrior decoration line I kept but still. Ah and nowadays I usually have Tumblr doses for breakfast. Gives me inspiration for the whole day.


Even if the winter came I have to say that I'm quite happy with the light it brought. Even if it's 8 o'clock in the morning it's quite bright outside because of the snow. You just have to wear some warm clothes and you'll manage well outside. I have been wearing my big black fur, a black beanie and boots. And when the sun is shining my Raybans. Don't complain. I'm back in school and I am quite motivated for the last term. Hopefully it goes as fast as the fall term. I have enjoyed living in my flat I just have ti find some really good storage boxes for my walk in closet. Haven't managed to find anything good yet so far. We'll see. 


Had my daily dose of Tumblr this morning and a plate of oat meal. A routine for me. Now a quick shower, some make-up on, and some clothes and shopping time (interrior though), later some school and in the evening maybe a movie or hang with a friend, don't know yet. Have a nice day my dears !

070114 II

Album of the month, definitely Cut Copy's new album, Free Your Mind.


Created this BH logo yesterday. It's pretty much just the way I like it.


2014. New year, new rules in life. Did I make any new years resolutions? YES I did, start workout more, and I have already done it. Just need a new pair of Nike runner sneakers and some cool new runner pants and I am happy. I also decided to save money for a trip, I think New York is my next destination, somewhere outside Europe. And yeah, I could also try to start writing stuff here more often. I've been quite lazy these past months. So what have I been up to? Well my fall I dedicated quite much to school, in December I had a lot of exams and deadlines, in every course I managed quite well but in some I could have done better. I don't think I have mentioned that I moved out of my parents house to my own flat in Helsinki centre, Kallio. I absolutely love it, I am familiar with these hoods from before and I love to live here. I have a balcony, a walk-in-closet, yes, a WALK-IN-CLOSET. It is so cool but not that easy to keep clean and tidy. I have also done some photo shoots with my friends and I'm publishing one shoot (where actually I am the one in front of the camera and not behind). Excited. Stay tuned on my Portfolio/Tumblr, BEYONDHELSINKI. What else, I have mostly been decorating my flat, it's mostly black and white with details of silver. Love it.