2014. New year, new rules in life. Did I make any new years resolutions? YES I did, start workout more, and I have already done it. Just need a new pair of Nike runner sneakers and some cool new runner pants and I am happy. I also decided to save money for a trip, I think New York is my next destination, somewhere outside Europe. And yeah, I could also try to start writing stuff here more often. I've been quite lazy these past months. So what have I been up to? Well my fall I dedicated quite much to school, in December I had a lot of exams and deadlines, in every course I managed quite well but in some I could have done better. I don't think I have mentioned that I moved out of my parents house to my own flat in Helsinki centre, Kallio. I absolutely love it, I am familiar with these hoods from before and I love to live here. I have a balcony, a walk-in-closet, yes, a WALK-IN-CLOSET. It is so cool but not that easy to keep clean and tidy. I have also done some photo shoots with my friends and I'm publishing one shoot (where actually I am the one in front of the camera and not behind). Excited. Stay tuned on my Portfolio/Tumblr, BEYONDHELSINKI. What else, I have mostly been decorating my flat, it's mostly black and white with details of silver. Love it.

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